All Blogged Out


      Lately I have not been as excited about writing my blogs.  I'm not burned out as much as I am tired.  I am tired of watching the country I love being split in half by politicians and pundits who can't believe anything that doesn't support their own self interest.  I don't need to rail on this because more than half of our voting public realize this.  That's why President Obama is our leader.


      I can see how a country can be swayed by a leader into making him a dictator.  I have always believed that the best form of government would be a benevolent dictatorship.  The problem is obvious, who could handle all that power without succumbing to some sort of insanity?  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  But if a dictator could maintain his sanity, things could be fixed very fast.  I would be willing to give Obama dictatorial power for one year and let the chips fall where they may.


      Okay, if you insist, I'll be your dictator.  For $400,000, a big house, a limousine, a helicopter, and my own plane, I would be willing to try.  First thing I would do is take a vacation.  That's right, a vacation.  And when everything goes to Hell, I mean really bad, and everyone is saying, "Why doesn't he do something?"  I'd come back and attack Canada, just to show our power.  Then I'd tell the world that if they don't send us ransom of ten trillion dollars the nukes will start flying.  I'd also tell them that I will not attack Switzerland.  Then I would secretly move to Switzerland.  The United States wouldn't be safe, but I would be!  If the countries that have nukes attack us, oh well, but if they pay, I'd move home as a hero and feed the poor, and heal the sick, and clean up the environment, and soo much more.  Silly?  Yes.  I told you I was all blogged out!


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