At Last!


      The words were fumbled by the Chief Justice, but the effect was real, Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America!  George W. Bush is gone!  Our great national nightmare is over!


      Now you will see what a person who truly cares for ALL the American people can do.  Now we will have a foreign policy that respects the beliefs of other sovereign nations.  Now we will have openness and transparency in our government.  Now we will have a President that we can respect and even love.


      The Inaugural Address was eloquent and promising.  President Obama will keep us safe, free, and well.  He did not try to top the speeches of Presidents that have come before and he was not afraid to assure us that none of the bad policies of the previous administration will be continued or ignored.  He made me proud to be an American and proud that I cast my vote for him.


      At night, there were the Inaugural Balls, ten of them!  For someone not excited about the balls, it was the same thing over and over, a short speech, a short dance, and a quick good-bye.  But I was excited and wanted to hear the concise speech of thanks to those who had made this victory possible and a call to all of us to be involved in this time of real change in Washington.  The President reminded us that this victory is not an end but it is just the beginning.  Then, the dance... the song "At Last" began to play, the President held the First Lady close in dance position.  As they moved together, they exchanged warm loving smiles and soft tasteful kisses.  A short slow dance with a single turn was all it took to make the riveted crowd moan romantically.  All I could do was smile and smile and smile...


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