W Is For Weasel


      The people have spoken.  The Republicans have been rejected.  President Bush has been repudiated by the largest number of Americans in our history.  Only Reagan was elected by a larger percentage of all the American People than Obama.  How can Bush possibly believe that because he is still the President, he has the right to make decisions contrary to the election and what the American People clearly want.  They want Barack Obama's ideas and leadership.  Instead of Bush trying to use his power to enact any changes in law in the interim before he leaves office, he should stand down!  He should enjoy the White House chefs, fly around in that big beautiful plane, go on vacation, SHUT UP!


      A lame duck President should not be allowed to initiate any new legislation or make any new policy without the okay of the incoming President.  We already know Bush's judgment is bad and now we know he has no class!  W, please, take the next forty-nine days off you stupid weasel!


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