Can He Make The Speech?


      I believe in Barack Obama.  I believe he can make a difference and make our country better.  I have no doubt that he will bring together a group of advisors who will give him the best information and guidance in making decisions for the United States.  I trust his judgment and I hope and pray he gets elected.  His choice of a Vice-president may be a much bigger choice than anyone thinks.  I believe that because I have lived through too many incidents of assassinations, attempted and successful.  JFK, RFK, and MLK were killed.  George Wallace and Reagan were both shot.  There were failed attempts on Bush 1 & 2, Clinton, Nixon, Ford, and Carter.  Sadly, it is almost certain that there will be at least one attempt on Obama!  I pray to God that it will not succeed, for who will be able to take the reigns of our country, calm our fears, restrain the violent reactionaries, and restore our nation?  Could ANY white man make the speech that would console our nation?


      I can think of only one man who has the bipartisan popularity and respect of most Americans.  One man who could speak to the Black community in their time of rage and despair and possibly make a difference.  Colin Powell.  Obama needs to go to him and make a plea to his love of country.  The United States needs him and must call him to service once again.  He is 71 but he doesn't have to work unless he has to make The Speech to calm our people and save our nation.


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