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      Today was the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of this millennium.  Some people believe it would be bad.  It is the devil's day!  I waited all day for something bad to happen, but alas, nothing did.  It was even supposed to rain around the time I got off work and it didn't.  That was nice.


      One guy told me that the Anti-Christ was born today.  Another told me that the Bible had been incorrectly translated and that the devil's number was not 666 but 646 so the devil's day was two days ago.  Well, whatever, it was just another normal work day for me.  And I checked the news... nothing unusual.


      Wait!  Two days ago, I had to work on Sunday.  That was June 4th, the real devil's day!  My boss ordered sandwiches for our lunch from a new deli.  I asked for my sandwich to have extra mayonnaise.  When the sandwiches arrived and I bit into mine, it had extra mayo but instead of being a cold roast beef sub with cheese, cool lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, as I happily expected, it was hot!  I found the wilted lettuce and especially the hot mayo disgusting!  It was the devil's sandwich!  It was a sign.  He heated my sandwich and ruined my lunch!  You know, HEAT, HELL!  WHAT A JERK!  I hate the devil!



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