Guns and Crime


      Guns don't kill people, people kill people.  It is so cliché, but I believe it.  If you have read my previous writings, you know I am a liberal on many issues.  But I claim to be an independent.  On the issue of guns and crime, I am very conservative.


      My reason for believing in gun ownership is simple.  I like guns and shooting them.  If the government thinks it has a right to take my guns, then it is just another of my freedoms being taken away.  The constitution is not as clear as some people think about the people having guns, but in the broadest interpretation I have the right to own them.  I don't even believe in registration.  Just what an invader needs is a list of all the law abiding citizens who own guns.  You think the criminals are going to register them?


      Now, about crime, violent criminals don't deserve three strikes, they get two!  Two violent crimes and they are gone!  Put them in jail forever without parole.  The victims of violent crime live with the trauma for the rest of their lives.  People that cause that trauma MUST PAY!  I would love to believe in rehabilitation, so they get ONE chance.  If they can't appreciate that chance then GOODBYE!  Our society cannot and should not include those people.


      Now here is my liberal side.  Drug addicts don't need jail, they need treatment.  The State should not kill people, even if they do deserve it.  (More about these later)





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