I Told You So


      Our president's approval rating in one poll is at 31%.  The best independent poll has him at 35%.  Thank God the people are awake to the fact that this man is out of touch!  I was against the war in Iraq before it started.  But before I continue, I must say how much I respect our men and women in uniform.  They have volunteered to protect all of us and our freedom.  They go where they are told and die on command.  They truly live the words Duty, Honor, Country.


      AND, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!  No one could love this country more than me.  If after reading this article you think I am unpatriotic for my beliefs, YOU are unpatriotic.  The greatest reason to defend this country and what it stands for is to preserve freedom.  And of all our freedoms, freedom of speech is paramount.  Take that away, accuse any citizen of a lack of patriotism for speaking out and you undermine everything that is good about our great country.  It is like spitting in the face of all of those who have defended us.  It is not only our right but our DUTY to question our leaders and demand that our rights be preserved!


      I have been very critical of the wars in Iraq, especially the second one.  I believed in the motives for the first war.  I just think that we killed too many Iraqis to get the job done.  The second one is a war that will live in infamy.  It was completely wrong.  It was a pre-emptive war that our president started under false pretenses.  He can only defend it by attempting to turn the tables, asking if you would prefer that Saddam was still in power or sending Cheney on you to call you unpatriotic for even questioning your president during a time of war.


      George Bush Senior had good cause for his war.  Kuwait was invaded.  Senior had the support of the United Nations.  He went in and kicked the invaders asses out of there. It was a job that needed to be done.  Why didn't he go into Baghdad and get Saddam?  Because it would have been wrong!  The war was over when Kuwait was set free.  Senior and his advisers knew that going after the posturing, blow-hard leader of a sovereign nation would be seen by the world as an overreaching crusade.  And he was right!


      Oh, but W, the 21st century crusader, thinks we have the right to invade first and ask questions later.  We don't need the support of the United Nations.  We don't need any reason other than the fact that we believe it is right.  And W is always right.  Might makes right!  Don't you know that?  He reminds me of the leaders of Japan who believed they were justified in attacking the United States because of the economic sanctions and blockades set up against them.  Japan was wrong and so was W.  Lots of "good guys" die because they live on honorable principles.  "Good guys" don't shoot first!  Diplomacy and legal means are the way to go and contrary to W's beliefs they were not exhausted.  War is absolutely the last resort and it should be done only after a real attack!


      I am proud that I opposed W's war from the start.  No more Iraqis would have died at Saddam's hand than we killed anyway and we wouldn't have lost over 2400 more of our people, not to mention the $280,000,000,000 cost!  (Currently it is costing $2,000,000,000 per WEEK!)  We could have tried more diplomacy.  We had Saddam isolated.  We could have let the inspectors check for a longer time.  All Saddam Hussein could do was talk us to death.  Besides all that, the real "Bad Guy" is still out there.  When will W "bring Bin Laden to justice?"




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