Being Laughed at for Knowing Stuff


      I was joking around with some coworkers today about the crowd of people that came into our store.  They were all stalking around and grumpy.  This one guy kind of reminded me of a bear.  So I said, "I think we are being attacked by a sleuth of bears."  He didn't understand so he said, "A what?"  I repeated, "A sleuth of bears."  He laughed and said, "Sleuth?  Man, a sleuth is a detective."  I said, "Yes, sleuth means detective, but it can also be used to describe a group of bears.  Like you can say 'a herd of antelope' or 'a pack of hounds.'"  He just laughed harder.


      Well, he didn't believe me so I went on to recite my knowledge of collective nouns: an armory of aardvarks, a colony of ants, a tribe of baboons, a culture of bacteria, a battery of barrcuda, a cloud of bats, a lodge of beavers, a flight of bees, a thunder of bison, a suit of bloodhounds, a sounder of boars, a rabble of butterflies, a caravan of camels, a clutter of cats, a coalition of cheetahs, a cartload of chimps, a bed of clams, an intrusion of cockroaches, a kine of cows, a cast of crabs, a float of crocodiles, a murder of crows, a pod of dolphins, an aerie of eagles, a mob of emus, a parade of elephants, a gang of elk, a cast of falcons, a charm of finches, a school of fish, a stand of flamingos, a skulk of foxes, a knot of frogs, a gaggle of geese, a drove of goats, a band of gorillas, a horde of hamsters, a siege of herons, a bloat of hippos, a passel of hogs, a cackle of hyenas, a husk of jackrabbits, a scold of jays, an intrigue of kittens, a smack of jellyfish, a troop of kangaroos, an exaltation of larks, a leap of leopards, a pride of lions, a lounge of lizards, a plague of locusts, a sord of mallards, a stud of mares, a steam of minnows, a company of moles, a rake of mules, a buffoonery of orangutans, a romp of otters, a parliament of owls, a pandemonium of parrots, a parcel of penguins, a bouquet of pheasants, a farrow of piglets, an aurora of polar bears, a chine of polecats, a prickle of porcupines, a coterie of prairie dogs, a covey of quail, a gaze of raccoons, a plague of rats, a rhumba of rattlesnakes, a congress of ravens, a crash of rhinos, a flock of sheep, a stench of skunks, a den of snakes, a dray of squirrels, a muster of storks, a streak of tigers, a nest of vipers, a bale of turtles, a wake of vultures, a descent of woodpeckers, and a zeal of zebras.


      Coming soon: Baby Animal Names and Male and Female Animal Names.



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