All Humans are Equal

      God endows every human with a soul; a spirit; EVERY HUMAN.  No human being has the ability to choose the body their soul is put in!  The soul is not male or female, white or black, gay or straight, rich or poor, and it is not Christian or Muslim!  Which body the soul is placed in and the location of that body in the universe are the determining factors.  If you were born to Muslim parents in the Middle East then you would be Muslim.  That would be your culture.  It is not right or wrong.  That is the way it is.  You had no choice. 

      How can any of us say that the body we inhabit should determine how we should be treated?  How can anyone say that one culture is better than another?  What religion would you be if your soul was born in a body in China?  Chile?  Kenya?  Sweden?  Syria?  What would your cultural values be?  Would it be your fault that you grew up to believe as most of your family and friends did?  Should a person from another culture have any right to denounce, attack, or punish you?

      Right now there is a child being born with a soul given by God.  How will he think?  What will he believe?  That will be determined by those who teach him.  If he is raised to be a patriot, then he probably will be one.  If one person's patriotism is to Jesus, freedom, and the American Way, then that one will probably a good American.  He might join the Army and be blown up by a terrorist and become a hero of his culture.  If another one's patriotism is to Allah, hatred of the Jews, and martyrdom, he will probably grow up to be a good Muslim extremist.  He might even strap dynamite to himself and become a hero of his culture.  Both of these go to their own private Heaven.  Neither of these are cowards.  They are patriots.  But as each looked at the other, they saw the same thing... an enemy of God driven by misguided loyalty.  Ironic ain't it!

      It is human nature to be proud and wish to preserve that which you hold dear.  Many times in history one group has sought to project their culture on others.  The Crusades were an attempt to force the Christian culture on the Middle East.  World War II was an attempt by two different cultures to force themselves on the world.  This type of thing probably started before recorded history when the early European humans wiped out the Neanderthals!

      My wish is that all cultures have tolerance for other cultures and give them room to have their own way of life without interference.  Live your life well and remember that we are all equal.  We have been given the great gift of life.  It is no one's right to take away anyone else's right to live and choose the path they follow.


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