Same Old Partisan Politics


      President Obama has reached out to the Republicans to try to solve our most current financial crisis.  They would have responded more positively if the House Democrats hadn't written a bill that mostly ignores the Republican's ideas.  It is the House Democrat's fault that this bill does not have bipartisan support.  House Democrats have thumbed their noses at the Republicans and clearly said, "WE WON, YOU LOST!  YOU CAN JUST SHUT UP AND TAKE IT!"


      I voted for President Obama.  I believe he can be successful, but I also believe that we need to bring as many Republicans into the fold as possible.  We need all people to believe that they are included.  This shows that no matter how much the President wants inclusion too, there are too many legislators on both sides of the aisle that prefer partisanship and the antagonism it creates.


      The House Stimulus Bill was totally tilted toward Democrat philosophy.  The Senate changes were just good enough to get three Republicans on board.  The Conference Bill will be law, but will it be fair?  Will any more Republicans accept it?


      For the President, the risks are small.  Because of the economic cycles, even if no stimulus plan is passed, the economy will rebound in time for his reelection.  But what about the Democrats in 2010?  A slightly rebounding economy will save the day, but if the stimulus plan doesn't appear to be working, the Democrats will lose badly!  On the other hand, the Republicans are risking everything by opposing this bill.  If the American People see this bill working in 2010, the Republican party may be wiped out!


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