United States President Juan Rodriguez


      In my Daughter's lifetime there will be a change in the makeup of our federal government.  Dominance by the "White" race will be washed away by the growth of the Hispanic population in the United States.  Hispanics have many more children per family and they have a very high rate of immigration, Whites and Blacks are at a point where they don't have enough children to replace those who die.  By 2042 minorities will outnumber Whites and as soon as 2080 Hispanics may dominate our population.  Whites and Blacks will work together to attempt to retain power over the Hispanics but they will eventually succumb and be dominated by the Hispanics.  As Hispanics come to dominate, a new migration may occur.  Whites may flee to Canada and in response Canadians may want to build a wall to keep Americans out.


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