Innocent Until Proven Guilty


      Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (D) has been arrested for corruption.  The Feds have released some transcripts of conversations the Governor had that seem to show his guilt.  Fortunately for the Governor, and for you and me, our law protects us in cases like this.  Until guilt is proven in court, you, me, and the Governor are innocent.


      If you listen to the evidence with an open mind, much of the conversation by the Governor can be interpreted in other ways that are not illegal.  When the Governor says, "I'm not giving away the Senate seat for nothing."  It sounds like he wants personal profit, but, as a politician, he could be speaking of political gains, which all politicians work for, and this is not illegal.  And if a politician discusses paths of conduct that would be illegal, the discussion is not illegal, action would have to be proved.  Before we write anyone off, just because they have been arrested, we must step back and let the justice system work.


      What cannot be disputed is that, now with the Governor released on bond, any appointment to the Senate he would make would be tainted.  And the U.S. Senate could vote to block the appointment.    If the Governor would resign or be impeached, Lieutenant Governor Patrick Quinn (D), would be Governor, and he could appoint the new Senator.  Otherwise, I would agree with taking legal action to reform the way a new Senator will be selected to replace President-elect Obama.  A special election would work but could be very expensive.  Nonetheless, this is a problem that must be solved.


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