Stealing Time From Tomorrow


      On my day off I would watch the clock.  As the hours would pass, I would figure out what percentage of the time I have left before I will go to bed and my day off will effectively end.  I would rather if my day off wouldn't end.  On this day off, when bedtime arrived I stayed up longer, two hours longer.  When I finally made my way to my bed and laid down I realized that I would have to make up for my lack of sleep by going to bed early the next day, so by staying up late today I was stealing time from tomorrow.


      I clearly believe that having a regular sleep cycle is essential to good health.  Doctors will back me up on this.  For years I have shunned staying up late in favor of a good nights sleep, but this job I have now puts me in a constant state of worry about whether my performance is good enough to stay employed.  And the way the economy is, I worry about being able to find work if I were to be fired.  So I have been staying up later or sleeping poorly because I worry about my job.  I like what I do, but the management is making me miserable.


      The good news for me is that, even though the general economy of our country is weak, the company I work for is doing well.  As long as I do a good enough job, it looks like I will stay employed.  The problem for a lot of older workers like me is that our pay is higher than that of newly hired people doing the same job.  There is always a distinct possibility that an employer will calculate that it would be a financial gain for them to let the older worker go.  I will have to forgo a raise this year.


      Tonight I will go to bed on time.  Even if I roll around a bit, I will feel more rested than if I stay awake too long.  You just have to try to be logical about it.  What will be will be.  I just have to be a willow in the wind and hope the tornadoes miss me.


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