Never Admit Defeat, Call It Something Else


      Many liberals and Democrats have been calling for our country's exit from Iraq for a long time.  I can truly claim to be one who thought the Iraq War was a huge mistake before it even started, but once we were there, I was forced to accept the facts of it and then believe that it must end as soon as possible.  I have been, and always will be, for a timetable for withdrawal.  For a long time Republicans and conservatives had called this "cut and run" and more recently, "surrender."


      Barack Obama has held my view and never swayed from it.  He wants us out in sixteen months after he takes office.  He has said from the beginning that he "wants to be as careful getting out, as the President was careless getting in."  And the other side has called him unpatriotic, naive, and inexperienced.  The other day the Prime Minister of Iraq said that he wants us to leave, and he wants to create a timetable for our withdrawal.  Whoops!  What can the Administration and McCain do about that?  They can invent new words that don't say "timetable" or "schedule" or the like.


      They can't admit that Barack is right and he had it right all along so Bush and McCain have a new expression.  It will produce the same outcome but it doesn't mean timetable or cut and run or surrender.  It is a "general time horizon!"  These people make me laugh when I'm not crying.  Thousands of our people are dead and if Bush and McCain have their way thousands more will die for a ridiculous cause, a cause for which success was never possible in the first place.  Thank you Mr. Prime Minister for stopping the madness.  And thank you Barack for being right all along.


      I heard a talking head on television say that a horizon is something that you can move toward but never reach.  I sure hope that this is not what Bush and McCain are thinking.  Neither of them are in any hurry to stop this stupid war.  It seems that they are willing to spill our brave men and women's blood indefinitely.  Barack is not!


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