Two In The Head, You Know He's Dead


      I don't know where I heard it for the first time but if I were a contract killer, this would be my motto.  I am tired of seeing these movies and TV shows where people get "killed" and don't die.  If you want to kill somebody, you don't shoot them in the chest and assume they're dead.  Ever hear of a bullet-proof vest?  Jeez, how dumb!


      In a real gun battle you would be surprised how few bullets hit their targets.  Professional gun-toting guys who train constantly miss their targets more than they hit them when they are in the heat of the moment.  They miss because it is hard to aim when you are ducking and hiding.  But when you have a guy at your mercy, you have no excuse... two in the head!  You're a killer!  KILL HIM!  Oh, and don't waste any time talking.  At that instant when you have the opportunity to get it done... DO IT!  GOSH!  (Kids, don't do this at home.  Stay in school.  Don't do drugs.)


      My first English Composition teacher in college was a mean little bitch when it came to grading papers.  It was almost impossible NOT to get an F on any paper you handed in.  She would start reading the paper and at the first mistake, comma splice, run-on sentence, misspelling, she would draw a red line from the mistake to the margin and put a big red F there.  The words that followed that point were never read and the ideas you might have conveyed were ignored.  Sometimes I wish I could be that way with movies.  The first stupid plot point, failure in continuity, or missed kill shot and I should just walk out or turn it off.  My problem is that I want to know the whole story, so I just keep on watching and complain about the waste of time later.


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