Twelve Happy Men


      Twelve men have walked on the Moon.  In one of the greatest adventures in the history of Mankind, our great nation placed twelve men on the Moon.  JFK called us to duty and we succeeded.  We landed a man on the Moon and returned him safely to the Earth by the end of the sixties.  Twelve happy white, American men walked on the moon.


      Who believes that today, if we had a space program to go to the Moon, only white American men would be chosen?  No way!  There would be diversity; Asian, Black, Hispanic, Women, and even people from other countries.  To even consider sending only white American men would doom the program.


      The Soviet Union put the first Woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, in June of 1963.  The United States Sally Ride, the first American Woman, in June of 1983, twenty years later.  The Soviet Union may be dead but some of their social ideas were progressive and positive.


      Our next President must consider that a renewal of the Space Program can stimulate our economy and give us all inspiration to be more than we are.  We could all live vicariously the adventure of our world moving out into the Solar System as another step to living among the stars.  Let's do it!


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