Nader : The Democrats :: Vader : The Force


      Ralph Nader is running for President of the United States of America... again.  Ralph Nader has some very good ideas.  When I saw the polls before election day in 2000 and was sure Gore would win Illinois, I went out and voted for Nader to show my feelings for his ideas as long term goals for our country.  If he could be President AND get his agenda through Congress, a vast majority of the American People would be better off, maybe a lot better off.  Unfortunately, most of the people who would be better off won't vote for him because they see him as a "radical," and in this country, that is a worse label than "liberal."


      Changes in our government are slow and plodding.  If there is something I've learned in my half-century as a proud American, it's that the only way to make changes in our country is from within the system and to hope, at the best, for change to happen in baby steps.  I offer as an example, racism.  Slavery ended fairly fast but the prejudice lives on seven score and three years later.


      Ralph Nader will get two to three percent of the vote and he will take more from the Democrat candidate than the Republican.  He got over 90,000 votes in Florida in 2000.  Gore lost to Bush by 500 votes.  Gore won more votes across the country but lost the State of Florida and the Presidency.  (Off topic: If Gore had won his own State of Tennessee he would have been President.  How can you lose your own state?)  Nader can say all he wants about this but the fact is clear that on that day in November if Nader had not been on the ballot, Gore would have been President and our country would have been better off!


      It is important for the country to hear Nader's ideas.  If he wants to help move the agenda of the Democrat Party that's fine with me, but he has to be smart enough to know that when the end game comes he will not be the President and he and most of the American People would be better off with a Democrat President!  Before the election, he should step aside and throw his hat toward the Democrats.



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