Twist and Shout


      It doesn't surprise me, but to listen to all the pundits in the news media you'd think for sure all the candidates hate each other and the political parties are irreparably split.  The media's addiction to sensationalism seems to outweigh the reality of history.  They love conflict and the candidates give it to them every political season.  The politicians play this game of "Twist and Shout."


      One candidate tries to make a point about something that can't be expressed in a convenient sound bite and the other candidate twists the words and shouts them back to the media in a convenient sound bite.  Barack Obama gives a speech wherein he explains that Reagan was elected because at the time he provided a clear vision and presented ideas that the American People could get behind and support in sufficient numbers to elect him, while at the same time Democrats seemed to be in disarray and lacking of clear ideas and leadership.  Clinton's people say, "Obama thinks the Republicans have better ideas."


      The bottom line to all this is that, in the end, the candidates of each respective party will make nice and support their party candidate, whoever that is.  Where necessary, apologies will be made and everybody will shake hands and come together.  The first and second place candidates may even end up on the same ticket for president and vice-president in the general election.  And the twist and shout will be aimed at the other party.  Finally, after the election, even the loser will say, "It was a hard campaign, but we lost.  It is time for all of us to come together and support our new President."  That is how the game is played.


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