Give Me An A... Bomb


      The United States, Russia, England, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel all have the Atomic Bomb.  When they talk people listen!  If I were the leader of a country that did not have The Bomb, I would want one.  And I believe that it is the right of the leader of a sovereign country to decide for the people he represents whether or not to seek the technology to build The Bomb, no matter what the leader of another sovereign country wants.


     The reason that the Soviet Union and the United States never fought World War III is the Atomic Bomb.  It is called M.A.D.; Mutually Assured Destruction.  We, in the U.S., believe that it was lucky we got The Bomb first because the U.S.S.R. would have used it to dominate the world.  We got it first and so protected the world from Armageddon.  Luckily India got The Bomb before Pakistan.  And luckily for Israel they have The Bomb and the Arab States don't have it yet.  Lucky for the Arabs that Israel doesn't want to wipe them off the face of the Earth!  All these states stay in line because of a balance of power and because they own land that can easily be targeted to destroy a way of life that they enjoy.


      One day a terrorist will have The Bomb.  That is the day we all fear.  Against which country do we retaliate?  He owns no land.  Can we do a "C.S.I." on the fallout, find out where the Bomb came from and nuke that country in response?  I can't predict where this bomb will explode, but if the terrorists only have one, I would bet first on New York and second on London.  Israel is an obvious target but a thinking terrorist knows that Israel may nuke Mecca.  Israel embraces retaliation and has no fear of making a mistake.


      Why does the U.S. even consider attacking Iran?  Because they don't have The Bomb!  Why would the U.S. not attack North Korea?  Because they have it.  If I were the leader of a country I would want The Bomb.  As a matter of fact, right now, as a person who believes my Constitutional Rights are under attack, I want one to protect myself from the Republicans!




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