The Right Thing To Say


      I have been through so many times in my life where I believe that if I had said the right thing at the right time I would be much better off in my life.  Hind sight is 20-20.  Later, hours or sometime days later, the right thing to say slams into my brain like a runaway train loaded with steel and bricks.  Unfortunately, at the right time I didn't say the right thing.  As a matter of fact, I have said the wrong thing making my life worse off.


      Can a human being suppress his urges and keep them in control 100% of the time?  I think not.  Can a human being control with his conscious mind all his subconscious thoughts and emotions?  I think not.  The law holds you 100% responsible 100% of the time.  Is that fair?  I think not.  The bottom line to all this is the answer to this question: can any human being be perfect?  You know the answer.







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