No Child Left Un-Brainwashed



      Inducing a person to modify his or her beliefs, attitudes, or behavior by conditioning through various forms of pressure or torture.


      Every child born in the world is brainwashed from birth by those around him. I was pressured by my desire to be loved and accepted by my family and friends.  Some will argue that true brainwashing is forcefully changing a persons belief from one once held to something new and bad.  That may be true, but I would bet that a Muslim would consider a Christian as being brainwashed, and vice versa.


      I have been brainwashed to believe that being free to believe what ever I want, as long as it does not hurt someone else, is the greatest gift God has given the world.  I have been brainwashed to believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world because here, every man and woman has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  And I have been brainwashed to believe that the U.S. Constitution and the Rule of Law is the only way that a free people can be protected and kept free.


      There are many people in the world that have been brainwashed from birth to believe that the United States is bad.  Although I would love to welcome all people into this melting pot we call America, some people can not be allowed among us, and if they are found among us, they must be cast out!  These people laugh at us and use our belief in Freedom against us.  They are hypocrites that move freely among us, all the while wishing to create a society that would not allow the Freedom they wish to subvert and eliminate.  They live and die to see our way of life destroyed.  We must identify these people and as peacefully as possible, cast them out, isolate them, and let them go it on their own!


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