Toss Another Body on the Pile


      Saddam Hussein has been executed.  He will kill no one ever again.  No wait a minute, he hasn't been able to kill anybody since his government was crushed and he was taken prisoner.  So why did we need to get blood on our hands by killing him?


      The only answer I can come up with is vengeance.  Try to explain how he needs to die for his crimes.  He raped and murdered innocent and guilty people.  He made slaves of people of different beliefs.  He was a disgusting, cruel, and evil man.  What is the response?  KILL HIM!  That is the response of a blood thirsty people... KILLERS!


      I apologize for saying all this again, but I must.  Any sane and rational person might think that killing a murderer would be a good idea.  If someone killed my family or friends I would feel strongly that the evil doer should die.  I might even want to torture and kill him myself.  But I would be WRONG!  An eye for an eye is NOT right.  Revenge may be sweet but it is NOT right.  Killing a defenseless, trapped human being is ALWAYS wrong.  The threat is gone.  The killing should stop!  Life in prison without parole, with only the most simple support, would be the fairest punishment civilized people can give another.


      I will not shed a tear over Saddam's death.  He is gone.  No one will ever know how many he killed, maimed, and traumatized.  Few people in history have more deserved to be executed.  I will, however, shed a tear for all those who support the death penalty.  With every execution they become more a part of that which they hate, the slaughter of human beings.


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