Dying of Embarrassment



      I found out a while back that a friend of mine I hadn't seen for a couple of years was near death.  His affliction was one that, if caught early, was a simple and quick medical fix.  Unfortunately, the affliction was also a very embarrassing one, in a very embarrassing place.  He had boils on his butt.  So he didn't ask for help from his wife or go to the doctor until after he collapsed on the floor at home.


      It reminded me of years ago when we lost Jim Henson.  He had some sort of a respiratory infection but he thought he would get over it without going to the doctor.  And he didn't want to bother anybody about it.  It is hard for most men to admit when they are weak.  Even a seemingly soft-hearted man like Jim Henson.  He finally got so sick that he went to the doctor.  They tried to save him with antibiotics but the medicine takes days to work.  Too late... bye Kermit!


      I never worried so much about sickness until I had my daughter.  When I would be sick, I would just live with it, but every time my daughter would sneeze it worried me.  So we went to the doctor.  And the doctors would always tell us that antibiotics can cure bacterial infections but cannot help viral infections.  Most people get an average of two viral infections each year.  We call them colds.  And there is no medicine to cure a cold.  You just have to wait it out for ten days to two weeks.  Rest and drink plenty of fluids.  (Chicken soup is actually good for you!)  I once asked the doctor if I should keep my girl home with a cold so that she would not pass it on to her schoolmates.  The doctor said, "We don't isolate for colds."  In other words, let the viruses fly as they may!


      Well, my friend is going to be okay, I think.  Information is scarce because he is more embarrassed now than ever.  After blood transfusions and surgery and a few thousand dollars, he has learned a lesson.  Early detection of any medical problem is the key.  If you think you have a cold but it lasts more than fourteen days, GO TO THE DOCTOR!  If you are in any doubt about it, GO TO THE DOCTOR!  Now all I have to do is take my own advice.




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