800 People Died While I Took a Dump


      It is 9/11/2006, the five year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center.  I am so tired of the rhetoric from politicians who scare us, no that's not strong enough, they terrorize us with talk of terrorists.  It is time for all of us, no matter what our political affiliation, to say, "Enough is enough!"  People die from so many causes other than terrorism that I almost find it humorous.  As a mater of fact, 800 people around the world died while I was going to the bathroom a little bit ago.  They died of heart disease and starvation.  They died in car wrecks.  They died of AIDS.  They were murdered for want of food.  They died by drowning in six inches of water.  They died in ways that people, after hearing the story, won't believe it.  And only a handful died from terrorism!


      And please, please don't listen to Dick Cheney's cooing about the fact that we haven't had a terror attack in this country for the last five years.  How you are so much safer because of a Republican administration.  HA!  That's a laugh.  Previous to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, it had been EIGHT YEARS!  There was no attack since 1993 when a truck blew up in the garage there.  Unless you count 1995 when our own citizens blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.  And don't tell me how great our security is now.  IT IS A SHAM DESIGNED TO PUMP UP THE CURRENT RULING PARTY!  We are going to be hit again and again just like old ladies will be robbed again and again by muggers.  Terrorists are organized criminals that will always prey on whomever they choose.  We have never been able to stop organized crime even after declaring war on it over and over again.  There could be a nuclear weapon in any one of the millions of un-inspected shipping containers in our seaports right now.  The reason we haven't been attacked is mostly dumb luck and lack of will by those we fear.


      Nearly 3000 of our brave men and women have died in Iraq.  25 - 30,000 more have been wounded, disfigured, traumatized, and mentally damaged.  $300,000,000,000!  We could have given every man, woman, and child that lives in Iraq $10,000!  Their per capita income is $3500 per year.  You think that might have helped?  No, war is better.  We have pissed on most of the countries in the world that liked us, doubled the death toll of 9/11, killed 100,000 innocent Iraqis, made more Arabs than ever hate us, and increased the number of terrorists who would find it a spiritual honor to kill any of us, including our babies!  Good job!  The United States is definitely better off without Saddam in power.  Bull!  He would have either died or he would have been contained until, just like communism in the Soviet Union, he would have collapsed.  And we could have kept the $300,000,000,000!


      On 9/11/2006 over 7,000 Americans in the United Stated died.  They died from heart disease, that needs more funding for research.  They died from liver disease caused by a society that turns their collective heads on alcohol consumption because lobbyists keep telling us that only illegal drugs are bad.  So we keep throwing young black men in prison instead of rehabilitation like rich white kids and Rush Limbaugh get.  They died from lung cancer because the tobacco industry provides jobs, what a joke.  Our people died in traffic accidents because cars need to be safer but we don't have the money to make them safer.  And let's not do anything about the mercury pollution that has made fish caught in the northeast of our beautiful country POISONOUS!  It goes on and on but let's build a multi-billion dollar fence to keep Mexicans out.  Let them starve in their dirt floor huts.  And let's make sure our rich people don't have to pay too much income tax, we wouldn't want them to have to fire their Mexican pool boys.


      In the time it took me to write this over 6,000 people died around the world from poverty and neglect, lack of health care, the cruelty of their own kind, and the apathy of the wealthy.  Sleep tight America, W has your back!



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