Because Their Ideas Are Better


      It amazes me that in today's politics so many people vote against people rather than for them.  We are constantly deluged with negative ads designed to damage the credibility of politicians and candidates.  Sometimes it seems like the electorate makes voting decisions for all the wrong reasons.  We should choose a candidate because their ideas are better!


      There are so many examples that prove my point I don't know where to start.  So let's start with something recent Mr. Karl Rove resurrected.  He has found that he can attack the Democrat Party currently with one simple phrase; "Cut and Run."  Sounds like he is calling Democrats that oppose continuing the war in Iraq COWARDS!  Wow, is he good or what?  Good Americans hate cowards!  Hate the Democrats!  Let's not talk about ideas such as how to stop spending hundreds of billions of dollars on a war we cannot win.  Let's just call anyone who doesn't believe like Mr. Rove and the President cowards.  Democrats are "Tax and Spenders."  Republicans are just irresponsible spenders who give to the rich and pass the debt to our children.  The National Debt is more than $8,300,000,000,000!  Yes, that is TRILLIONS!  And it grows at about $1.75 BILLION per DAY!


      Please people, I don't care what you believe but choose the candidate whose ideas are better.  Demand to hear their ideas and their solutions.  We have so many problems that could be solved by strong leadership based on good policies.  Resist the negativity!  Don't vote for anyone who uses those bad tactics and bring out true debate.  Maybe we can have leaders who stand for us and not just the desire for power.


      I am skeptical.  I can't find one name of one person who truly deserves to lead us.  Many times I think that some guy or gal managing a Wal-Mart somewhere would be a better leader than all of the current crop.  At least when they made a decision it would take into account the real people in this country, the huge percentage that struggle to pay the rent every month.  The fathers who can't go to the dentist because they have to buy food and clothing for their family.  The mothers whose husbands have run off and left them with all the responsibilities and no support.  The children who see gangs as a better support system than their communities.  All those who turn to drugs for relief because their place in the world has so little meaning.  The parents of servicemen and women who die for our country.


      Unfortunately, we will not get leaders that truly care about the people in this country until we, the people, see through the crap and try to find real leaders.  Don't let them use our fears to scare us into their way of thinking.  Watch, listen, and demand to hear better ideas.  Ask yourself what is more important to you, not what you are told is important.  Does the war in Iraq really make us safer or does it make more terrorists?  Could we spend the billions of dollars on anything better?  Is someone who believes that the money could be better spent a cut and run coward or a sensible and savvy patriot?




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