More Power!


      Nuclear waste is a terrible hazard.  Handled incorrectly, it can cause environmental devastation that cannot be cleaned up and would last for thousands of years.  If ground water becomes poisoned, huge tracts of land could become barren.  Man may not be up to the task of finding a way to safely store or dispose of the waste, so nuclear power plants may eventually disappear.  Meanwhile, the public and government have turned away from nuclear power and moved to coal.  Unfortunately, though nuclear power has the potential for disaster, coal IS a disaster.


      I believe in nuclear power.  I believe that we can find ways to safely store nuclear waste.  And eventually we will figure out how to harness a fusion reaction and finally have clean nuclear power.  Until then we should use fission nuclear power.  The pollution from burning coal and fossil fuels will kill us soon enough.  Direct deaths from all power generation sources since 1970 are about 12,000.  Nuclear accounts for 31.  More radioactive isotopes are released from burning fossil fuels than from operating nuclear power plants!  I know!  It's amazing!  But the anti-nuclear lobby has succeeded in scaring us all.  They have unwittingly aided coal producers to spread their propaganda and their pollution!


      I am researching this subject more and will add to this article in the future.




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