Bird Poop


      Spending a lot of time outdoors, I have seen a lot of bird poop.  I always look down while walking so that I don't step in anything nasty.  I'm sure that sometimes people watching me laugh as I attempt to place my feet into the "clean" spots.  I can't help it.  I don't like the thought that anything that gets on the bottom of my shoes ends up in my house.


      Years ago, I don't remember where, I saw a scientific study.  The researchers had people walk through some powder that could only be seen under a black light.  The subjects would then enter a home and live a normal day.  At the end, the researchers turned on black lights and found the powder everywhere, even on the peoples faces!  It scared me.  To this day I am abnormally concerned with avoiding germs.  Now you can imagine how I feel about bird poop.


      So there I was one day, looking down the track for my train.  It wasn't in sight.  I happened to glance down at my feet.  I was standing in a patch of poop.  There must have been a hundred little gifts from our feathered friends.  I just stood there frozen, like a deer at a headlight convention.  And then it happened, something hit my left shoulder.  No!  Yes, bird poop!  So what did I do?  I looked up!  Luckily, the bird didn't poop on my face, he just laughed at me.


      Rule:  If you see bird poop on the ground where you are standing, move, and do not look up.




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