Scrooge's Spirit Is Alive and Well


      I saw my first commercial for Christmas on November 15.  I don't really want to write a piece on the commercialization of Christmas.  I want to tell you how the holidays are ruined for all those working in retail by the commercialization of Christmas.


      The store in which I work had "extended hours."  On Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, we were open from 9:00 AM until Midnight.  We were closed on Thanksgiving until Midnight when we reopened for 24 hours.  That's right, on Friday we were open from Midnight to Midnight.  Some of our employees had Thanksgiving dinner and went to work without a good night's sleep!  I had to get up at 4:00 AM to be at work by 6:00 AM.  Our normal hours are 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.  That is long enough!


      It is now a given that during the holiday season, that time of year when so many of us live the holiday dream and have extra time with our families, anyone in retail works harder than Bob Cratchet BEFORE Scrooge converted!  This is not right!


      If all retail stores were reasonable with their holiday hours, then these "extended hours" would be unnecessary.  If there was an agreement on hours then this competition would be unnecessary.  It was unionization that closed the sweatshops, saved miners lives, and built the middleclass.  It is time for our government to recognize and allow all retail employees to unionize and improve our lives.


      "Extended Hours"  BAH HUMBUG!



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