Readers Are Leaders

      I remember when I was a kid.  I used to see the magazine delivery truck and on the side it said, "Readers Are Leaders."  That is right.  Reading; education is poverty's silver bullet.  Without "book learning" one is destined to repeat the phrase, "You want fries with that?"*

      I have always loved stories and learning new things, but I have always hated reading.  I find it tedious and boring.  I like the final results of reading though.  To me it is kind of like dieting or working out.  In school I used to pay very close attention in class so I wouldn't have to read.  That worked, up until college when the professor didn't cover everything that was on the test in class.

      As I read a book I continually look at how many pages I have left, dreading the time it would take to finish.  I used to calculate.  Let's see, I have read 10 pages in the last 10 minutes and I have 400 pages to go so it's going to take...  SEVEN HOURS!  And if I don't like the content, I can't keep my eyes open.  Once I stop reading, I perk right back up.  The real unfortunate times were when I would start a book and like the story.  I would be driven to finish it; slogging through every page.

      When I was in fourth grade my mom gave me these books that were two books in one.  The front had one title on it and the back had a different title on it.  This was cool because when you read one of the stories, it was over when you reached the middle of the book!  I loved those books.  And later in life I discovered more short stories.  Edgar Allen Poe was my favorite; fabulous.

       Once I finished school I pledged to never read a book again, except to save my life!  But then one day it happened.  My mother, who was a voracious reader, gave everyone in my family the same book.  She wanted us to expand our horizons and bond through a common experience.  The book was "Shogun" by James Clavell; 1600 pages!  I tried to talk my way out of it, but my mom made it clear that it would break her heart if we didn't read it.  So I did; we all did.  It was a real grind.  I fought through every page, but I finished it.  When it was done I had to admit I liked it.  I eventually read the whole series.  I finished the last book about ten years ago and I haven't read a whole book since.

Recently I discovered books on tape... YAY!


* Thanks to Robin Williams, one of the funniest people on earth.


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