Haiku Poetry is Cool

      I have always loved writing and poetry, but I don't think I'm very good.  So for a long time I didn't write.  My daughter loves to write and aspires to be a professional.  I hope she succeeds.  But because of her enthusiasm, I have begun to write again.

      I have recently discovered Haiku.  It is so cool!  How can you convey a deep feeling in an elegant way with only 17 syllables?  Three lines; 5, 7, and 5.

      Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry writing that is restrictive and yet freeing.  The challenge of it intrigues me.  I am going to do it more.

Haiku Poetry,

A way cool way to convey,

One's thoughts and feelings.


      See what I mean?  I need to learn how to be more indirect and metaphorical though.


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