Religion – The Third Rail of Interpersonal Relationships

       If you want to disassociate yourself from someone or maybe even be killed, just argue about religion.  I guarantee trouble.  I want to be careful about this topic myself because of this problem, but I just must say something…  Sometimes it seems to me that religion is what is keeping all of us from world peace.

      I was raised Roman Catholic.  When I was a kid, I was taught how to do the religion thing; Catechism and Confession on Saturday, Mass on Sunday.  It was the same routine every week.  But then one Sunday it happened.  I walked into Church, crossed myself with Holy Water, genuflected, and slipped into my pew.  Then a priest with a guitar walked out in front of the alter and started talking in English.  Where was the Latin?  And next my life was turned upside down… He played the guitar and sang!  I felt years of Church tradition shatter.  Can religion change?

      If you believe in the Bible and believe we should live by the Bible, you might have a difficult time living in our modern society.  Why is there no slavery?  The Bible is fine with it.  There is no Commandment against it.  As a matter of fact, you can find places in the Bible that support it.  I am currently having some financial problems.  The Bible says that I can sell my daughter.  My wife cheated on me.  I can stone her.

      It seems that God does not have to approve any amendments that we want to make to religion.  So let’s make a new Commandment:

      “Thou shalt not impose thy ways on anyone else, nor shalt thou hold others’ ways against them.” 

More new Commandments are in the works.


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